Two Dreams
First Dream
IÃm lying in a white cast iron bathtub, the kind with legs, but not claw feet, and IÃm riding around Acton. Or sliding. The tub stops in front of the bank on Main St. and I peer out. I donÃt see anyone, but the sun is up and it feels to be about noon. What to do? I mean, I am naked. I stand up anyway and IÃm relieved (somewhat) to see my jockeys lying in a heap next to the tub. They look as they do in my bathroom – long past their replace date and in a heap. I grab them and run to the side of pharmacy for shelter and pull them on. IÃm very conscious that IÃm still in public and that there has to be people watching. I am no longer stark naked, I donÃt feel all that great about walking around only in my underwear. Dream ends.
Second Dream
I enter a single story concrete building. I walk in through the front door and follow a trail of rooms. Each room I enter has its own door that closes behind me. At some point I realize I donÃt know where I am, I donÃt know where I am going, and I donÃt know what to do but keep walking forward.
I look down and next to me is a young blonde girl, maybe eight. There is one room left and together we peer through the door and out the plate glass window in that room to an airport-like tarmac. It resembles the tarmac in Pittsburgh where we catch our connecting flights on the way to Evansville – when weÃve switched from a real jet to a mini jet tucked away in little used area of the airport. It feels ominous and I suggest we not enter the room. The girl does anyway and I lose sight of her. I look back and the room IÃm in has no door handle. The door is steel and canÃt be opened from my side. I know the next room where the girl disappeared is the same. I can only go forward. Then the girls mother appears, frantic. I point in the direction her daughter went, and she runs after her. Dream ends.
Sometimes a bathtub is just a bathtub.
Nah — like fun………
Comment by couch mover — February 9, 2005 @ 7:42 am
Forget the bathtub — 8-year-olds in abandoned airports…….???
Last night I looked in a dream mirror to see the sudden, advanced onset of receding hairline, exposing ridges left & right looking suspiciously Frankensteinian, as well as a tall, subcutaneous knob just beginning to be exposed center-center, which looked a lot like a wharf bollard or an anvil……….
Comment by worrywart — February 9, 2005 @ 7:52 am
You’re STILL having nightmares about that trip?
Comment by La Madre de La Chica — February 9, 2005 @ 6:56 pm