Happy Birthday Charlie Hopkins
“Hey Susie.â€
“Hey Mikie.â€
“I have a question for you.â€
“I have this package I want to send Charlie. I’m late, I can’t get a hold of Mary, and I need his Deerfield address.â€
I can hear Susan mumbling, “Charlie…find my file, find by contents,†then a laugh, then I laugh because I know she’s using Sherlock on her Mac. “Here it is…but it’s not his Deerfield address. If you send it to Deerfield in care of Charlie, I’m sure it will get there.â€
“But I know he has an address with his dorm or whatever. He gave it to me once.†I’m also thinking, Charlie…Deerfield and a zip…yeah, sure, that will get to him.
I hang up and search for his sister Julie’s address. I find a Robert Blake and a Julia Blake, separate listings, same town, and figure that must be the one.
One ringy dingy, two ringy dingys, three ringy dingys…â€Hello.â€
“This is Michael Miller.â€
I’ve never called Julie, and I think she’ll be surprised but … .
“Hi Michael Miller. I was just mailing a ____(don’t want to give it away) to Charlie.â€
“What a coincidence.â€
“I’ve got his address but not his zip code which I was about to look it up.â€
“What a coincidence. I have ____ that I want to send to Charlie, I can’t find Mary, and I need his address.†I stick the phone in the crook of my neck and get ready to type.
“It’s Charlie at Deerfield Academyâ€
I passed this portable flashing road sign near Idylwilde last night, and I almost missed the warning flashed after Use Caution.Toto barked in the back seat as I backed up for a second look.
I dreamt last night about letting myself into the home of an absent neighbor with lots of cats. I’d gone over to (feed? play with?) them, and as they milled about me in that obsequious, yet disdainful way cats do, a strange, greenish-black panther (or some such, and with rather alien eyes) sidled up amongst them, and I began wondering if it weren’t time to wake up….
Comment by prescient — November 9, 2004 @ 7:58 am