Centro Decolar Maria Auxiliadora Familia Fabreto
Photos from the school – Centro Decolar Maria Auxiliadora Familia Fabreto- where Matt and Hil performed volunteer work.
“Mike, there is something I need to tell you, but I can’t right now.”
 If you fall off the chimney, or if the platform which supports my ladder collapses, you’ll bounce off the roof, tumble about two stories and then fold yourself on the air conditioning unit below. Chris stood on the top of his ladder, behind the chimney, as I stood precariously perched on mine, and we both struggled to place a newly formed copper cap over the top. I was unaware that as we moved the cap back and forth to find a firm fit, my ladder was walking towards the edge of the plywood platform. Until Chris, trying not alarm, gave me that rather amusing heads up.
Even Lynn Hill, the only rock climber to have climbed El Capitan totally free, would have second thoughts about ascending that chimney route Mike “free-soloer” Miller so blythefully led.
(Any insurance agents out there reading this blog?
That’s not really Mike, it’s just a crash test dummy.)
Comment by rakkity — August 17, 2004 @ 12:12 pm
I’d remove crash test from that last sentence.
Comment by mike — August 17, 2004 @ 12:21 pm
Wow…anyone want to try to say that title ten times fast…?
Comment by tongue tied despite speaking spanish — August 17, 2004 @ 4:15 pm
What a delightful smile on the young boy!!! I can sure dig that!
Tricia passed through the Haute Pyrenees on her way from Chartres into Barcelona — deemed them stunning, fabulous, beautiful, awesome, etc.
I can sure see Mike doing dumb things at 10,000 feet, but up until now, Chris had sounded too wise to follow. He sounds good at catching, though……..
Comment by taken back — August 17, 2004 @ 8:49 pm