The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Thursday, July 29, 2004


Dear Matt,

Dad and I would strongly prefer that you pay Egdelina et al for the last week, as she and they were expecting you and these folks count on these fees for their lively hood. But you do need to cancel Jose Luiz Lopez.

Sounds like you’re doing a good job on planning, but you need a safe place to stay before you go to Managua, and it needs to be in a neighborhood known to be safe, so maybe you need to get back to Berthe to clarify,

Love, Mom


We are leaving for managua on thursday afternoon, because that is when Bertha’s chauffeur is going to be picking us up and bring us to her house… yes you heard that right. We have been invited to stay with them the whole weekend, and that includes going to San Juan Del Sur with them. They seem very nice and very well off. We are going to hang out with Bertha and her friends in Managua on thursday and friday, and then we will go to San Juan Del Sur and to the beach there with them on saturday, and i think spend the night in their house. I am pretty excited about all this and it sounds like a blast. If you have any more question feel free to ask, but i would suggest sending them today as early as possible, because im not exactly sure what time we are leaving tomorrow. You can ask me to call and that would be fine as well, call you that is.

Anyway, much love


Dear Matt,

Mom forwarded me your latest email and it sounds like you two have hit your stride. Take advantage of it all, and have a wonderful time. I just said to Diane that you’ve crossed that fine line between, “How many more days left before I get to go home?” to, “Do I have to go home?”

Love Dad


I think we definitely hit the jackpot with whom i make friends with. I mean, who knew striking up a conversation an airport could lead to a weekend in San Juan Del Sur and Managua. It should be a wonderful time and i will definitely take advantage to it.

Haha, i was just thinking about that line to tell you the truth. 8 more days does not really seem like all that much time. Although i do miss all of my friends a lot and look very forward to seeing everyone once i return home.


*Note: No more “much love,” or, “miss you a lot, mateo,” which illustrates every parents dilemma. When they are homesick, they write effusive, lapdog letters. When they aren’t homesick, parents disappear from their radar. Which means I have to take it upon myself to reestablish that tension.

Dear Matt,

That’s the funny thing about distance and time and friends. When you first left Chris asked about you all the time. Lately, I’ve heard about Robby, Cel, Kristin,Daryl, Laura, etc., but nothing about you. Yesterday I asked Chris if he had written to you and he said,” Who? Matt? Oh, Matt, I remember him… .” I’m thinking with you charging all over Nicaragua, and our basement freezer empty of Hot Pockets, you might be looking for a whole new gang of friends when you return.

Love Dad

P.S. We have two prospective renters for your room coming today.

Yesterday morning it was raining when Chris and I arrived to finish the deck/condo work. We both pushed through that let’s-go-home-and-go-back-to-bed barrier and ended the day with a feeling of satisfaction. All done, except for the removal of a temporary interior wall we built to prevent the ceilings from sagging.

As Chris stood for a final photo-op, I exclaimed, “Chris, we did well.”

To which Chris answered, “No, we did good.”

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posted by michael at 6:28 am  


  1. well matt i miss all my friends too i’m in acton but most pple are gone and i’m stuck with ur dad and wow ur in paradice. my advice to u is DO NOT COME back

    Comment by chris — July 29, 2004 @ 12:00 pm

  2. Geez, Chris, it’s “done good”……. DONE, got it? Ain’t u got no language skills? Great deck, BTW!!!

    And I miss you, Matt — but don’t come home until you’re ready. Though once you’re back, we’ll miss Hil’s great emails. We already miss yours…….

    Comment by slang police — July 29, 2004 @ 1:22 pm

  3. Maybe Berthe will just keep Matt as a boy toy. Did you ever think of that?

    Comment by Knowsacharmer — July 29, 2004 @ 1:30 pm

  4. Never met Berthe, but sounds like “nice work if you can get it” to me. Probably Hil’s had countless similar offers already, hidden behind the (rapidly crumbling) language barrier…….

    Comment by jealous — July 29, 2004 @ 4:00 pm

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