The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Tendon Snapping

Some might remember the last time I had to replace those supporting deck beams at Applewod. Then, it was with Mark Queijoís help, this time strong-like-bull Chris and I wrestled with the impossibly heavy timbers.

We replaced four, two at ground level and two over our heads for second floor decks. If you watch this movie youíll see me waltz into the frame and lift the beam as if it were a toothpick -camera rolling, adrenaline flowing. But it gets more amusing after that, although itís mostly a view of Chris’s back. Fortunately, my grimacing face is lost in the shadows. It took three stages to get this beam in place, and Iíve combined the movies from my digital camera into one. At the time, Chris called them Death Scene I, II and III, but unfortunately for the blog, there were no deaths.

This is a 3.7mb Quicktime movie which means you need a fast connection and QT installed.

Peter wonders what Matt will do next summer. Travel to Afghanistan? Clear unexploded ordinance from the Waikoloa Maneuver Area on the Big Island?

posted by Michael at 9:54 am  

1 Comment

  1. Michael let the cat out of the bag. I had just emailed Hillary about a nice summer saving endangered species in (ughh) paradise, or rehabilitating a bombed out island for sacred cultural and environmental purposes. No mention of unexploded ordinance; but now she knows. Thanks, Mike.
    Of course, Matt may just leap at the opportunity.

    Wait. There’s more. I’ve got a friend headed to Afghanistan next year. It’s an agricultrual project designed to substitute cotton for poppies. Matt could tag along under the auspices: Home Stays with War Lords–A Junior Summer Abroad.

    How about it,Diane?

    Comment by pedro — July 19, 2004 @ 12:10 am

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