The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Quiero Halbar Con Mateo

haha, whatever it was that i had or have, well…. i am taking the helen route of mind over matter. It makes things a bit easier to deal with. Tonight i am not sure when i will be home. but i think your best bet would be to call around… .hmmm good question. I am going out to dinner tonight, so i would suggest that you call at 11 ur time. That two hour difference doesn’t sound like much, but really makes a difference as to when i will be around. Now that i think about it, ur best bet would be to call around six your time. I will try my hardest to be around. Quiero halbar con mateo, if you didn’t know. this will probably be followed by a large amount of confusing fast words and then by them putting down the phone to find me. No esta aqui, means he isn’t here. at which point you could try again later tonight. I would kill for some steak from the 99 at the moment. Although i do enjoy the food here a lot.
Yes we did start work at the school, although i am not exactly sure of the name, but we are translating letters to american sponsors who give money to the school and to the family of the kids. It is not exactly the easiest thing to read spanish written by a seven year old. But it is doable and pretty fun. Anyways, we leave tmorrow at 520 for miraflor. Should be interesting to see if we can get up that early.

Much love as usual

Hil’s email address –
Matt’s –
Matt’s Phone Number – 011-505-713-3274

posted by Michael at 5:16 pm  

1 Comment

  1. Asking directions is easy; understanding what you’ve been told can be a little exasperating.

    ON the phone, forget it.

    But Mateo’s phrases will at least get you started. Another matter is how you will understand, “He’s in the bathroom..” or, “He’s just gone out to get some corn flour and will be back later…”

    Then there is the matter of Time; as Mateo is already demonstrating, as to when he can be reached? Well, could be this Time, or that Time, or, maybe, just man(y)ana.

    I’m still pinching myself that he is able to stay in touch with us.

    So, anyway, we’re all having a Good Time.

    Comment by pedro — July 16, 2004 @ 6:02 pm

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