The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Snaking Through the Wetlands

Matt, Joe and Robby left our yard Sunday afternoon, blue canoe carried aloft, gunwales riding on their shoulders . Assuring me there was a stream but fifty yards down the railroad tracks, I laughed as they passed the bushes in front of our house bobbing down the sidewalk like a huge Portugese Man-of-War. But water they found, and except for one flip of the canoe – a predictable result of one or all of the following: Matt jumping out, Joe jumping in, the attempt to paddle over a two foot dam- they made it to Darylís wet but happy.
The return trip, but with Matt, Joe and Daryl.

posted by Michael at 6:38 am  


  1. Tom and Huck are alive and well in America! Nice that even the developed burbs offer sufficient “wilderness” to support such an afternoon of reconnaissance. Nice, too, that the canoe gets wet more than once a year…….

    Comment by feet dry — June 14, 2004 @ 8:29 pm

  2. It is my guess that some lovely suburban superhomes are sinking back into the wetlands as we speak, for which I rejoice.
    And I am very happy that the boys and the mosquitoes have found them.

    Comment by saveabird — June 16, 2004 @ 6:05 pm

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