The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Saturday, May 29, 2004


Breaking camp, last day.
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Flo in her apartment listening to Peter Rodd describe how Emma was thrown from her mount during today’s horse show.
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More photos from that fateful moving day. Out of the old and into the new – Concord Park

Susan has been working hours and hours cleaning Flo’s old apartment preparing it to be sold. Next Sunday Matthew and friends will spend the day rolling on fresh coats of paint. Here, she has transformed the old refrigerator into a new one.

posted by Michael at 4:47 pm  


  1. I hope Flo enjoys the company and events as much as Mimi did. It can seem like a loss, of control and independence, or a gain, of friends, and help, and ease — of life. Or both. God bless you all for the care you take of her.

    Comment by in transit — May 29, 2004 @ 10:35 pm

  2. What a great record of events!! Flo looks so pretty.
    What did Susan do to the fridge to up date it?
    I love being able to see all this. HO

    Comment by HO — May 30, 2004 @ 11:54 am

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