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Saturday, May 8, 2004

Emmet Leroy O'Connell

Father of Helen Virgina and husband of Helen Josephine O’Connell.

posted by Michael at 11:46 pm  


  1. But what did you call him — grandpa, or Leroy?

    Comment by kinship challenged — May 9, 2004 @ 10:44 am

  2. Grandad, and in his mid-twenties in this photograph. The last time I saw him I was helping drive Peter from Cambridge to Stockton, California for Peter’s first year at UOP. We stopped in Nevada, knocked on his door, and because we both had beards, he almost didn’t recognize us. And because we had beards he almost didn’t let us into his house, but because we were his grandsons, he spent the rest of our visit reconciling the hair on our faces. I think I heard him mumble something about Abraham Lincoln and maybe even the equally hirsute Jesus Christ.

    Comment by Michael — May 9, 2004 @ 12:41 pm

  3. Yet another attractive Miller relation. Your family is full of them. Was he related to the Acklass side, or was that the other side of the family.

    Comment by chris — May 9, 2004 @ 6:58 pm

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