The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Saturday, March 20, 2004


Willow last night with the jazz saxophonist, whom I believe is married to the guitarist. I offered to break our Friday night routine, but Diane claimed she had been dreaming of sushi with a bowl of white rice.
I’ve been searching for prints of rakkity, and this all I can find so far. Back when he lived with us on Beacon St. in Somerville. Beth to his left, Bill Connet to his right, and Keiko, Peter’s girlfriend across the table.
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Mrs. rakkity.
Sorry Mrs., I know this isn’t the most flattering photo but it’s better than the one of you on our infamous whale hunt, bundled in a blanket, a pale shade of green, doing your best not to become an over-the-sider.
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posted by Michael at 7:42 am  


  1. Each image prompts questions:

    Couldn’t Mike have raised the inimitable stealth camera above the chairbacks? The musicians all seem too absorbed in their playing to have minded……

    Whom is Mike toasting, with what, and why is everyone else ignoring him? Oh — and who do we supposed pushed the shutter button?

    Is Diane diving into or out of frame? And if the former — as it would appear — Did Diane have issues with being upstaged by Beth?

    Comment by hazy — March 20, 2004 @ 7:44 pm

  2. Had it propped on our tea cup for stability. As it was, I took a dozen, but most were too blurry given the obvious frenetic activity of the players…oh yeah.

    People throughout recorded time have always ignored me. Or am I thinking mainly of Matthew?

    I’m guessing the photog was uncle Peter.

    Comment by Mike — March 21, 2004 @ 10:03 am

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