The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Saturday, February 7, 2004

Good Company

Matt and I were returning from Darylís on Thursday when our local classic rock station began playing Blinded by The Light by Bruce Springsteen. Iíve heard it a billion times and have never understood the line after the opening, ìBlinded by the light…î

ìMatt, listen,” I shouted, trying to get his attention, and not talk over the words, “what is that lyric?î

Matt has good ears, and I was confident Iíd finally get an answer. He missed it the first time but the line in question is in the chorus and gets replayed over and over.

ìThere it is again. It sounds like, ëWrapped up like a douching, another runner in the night.íî

ìThatís what I hear,î Matt replied. I think that is also why he didnít offer his opinion the first time.

ìBut it canít be douching in the night.î

ìLook it up on the internet when we get home.î Cold Matthew logic.

And I did, and what follows, especially if the same lyric has puzzled you, is side splitting.

It snowed yesterday, then it rained, then it all froze. If Monadnock had the same weather we are not getting to the top, but the photo ops for the snow board ride have gone way up.

posted by Michael at 8:55 am  


  1. Been there, puzzled that. But I had lyrics from somewhere (my Roaring Silence album, I think), so I’d known it wasn’t douche since early teenhood. Amazing the twisted reaches the listeners came up with, though!

    The Icy Mangling of a Snowboarder could win you your first Pulitzer. What’s the fps burst speed on your 990?

    Comment by lyricist — February 7, 2004 @ 11:01 am

  2. Even though I’ve long known the word was “deuce”, I never knew what it actually meant. With Tricia at the wheel of our Explorer (Internet, that is……), we finally Googled down a plausible meaning for the phrase, which I believe is explained here:

    which is also a song title by The Beach Boys.

    Comment by copilot — February 7, 2004 @ 3:05 pm

  3. Yours for only:

    Comment by Tom Sawyer — February 7, 2004 @ 3:19 pm

  4. “If Monadnock had the same weather we are not getting to the top,”

    What! Joe and Simon would be appalled. Think of the blog, man. It’s the blog over all.
    But I am looking forward to “The man who boarded
    down Monadnock”, with the caption,

    racked up like a deuce in a momentary flight.

    Comment by rakkitty — February 7, 2004 @ 5:47 pm

  5. WELL done!!! I can’t wait to see that myself! Hilarious turn of phrase!

    Comment by gasping — February 7, 2004 @ 6:22 pm

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