Matt and I are replacing this bench that sits at the edge of wetlands behind a neighbor’s house. Somewhat daunting, because we have to wear hip waders and pound posts into a mucky bottom, but also a fun challenge. The new bench will sit on a five by eight foot platform, and because we can’t stake it out to square it, placing the four posts (we did that yesterday) is sketchy at best. But with Matt’s keen sense of geometry, and from his vantage point on dry leaves, not dry land, we did a pretty fair job.
This same neighbor, who lives on the other side of Mary and Dolly, told me yesterday how upset Mary was that she didn’t get a single trick or treater on Halloween. She did say, however, that she had to shoo some kids away who came on the wrong night.
Thanks to all those who offered editing ideas. I implemented many but I couldn’t add more dialogue. I’m all dialogued out. If the story lives past this Thursday, I’ll add more to it.
If I help edit your story, do I get to share in the glory if you “A” the course?
On the other hand, if I help edit your story, and your teacher disses it, do I have to be one of the goats?
On the third hand, does your writing improve by getting suggestions from us patzers in the peanut gallery?
Comment by rakkity ed — November 12, 2003 @ 10:35 am
All of what Ed done thunk, I have too. Regardless, I’m sure by now all us “peanuts” have been given appropriate co-author credit……..
Matt looks as if he’s mourning a dock that sunk into a swamp, rather than undertaking a water-Phoenix resuscitation. Cool process — I hope offline there are more images than this one, even sorta technical ones. Sounds interesting.
Comment by yakkity adam — November 13, 2003 @ 10:48 am