The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Monday, September 8, 2003


Sunday morning Matthew announced that he and Daryl were going to cook
Matt’s perfect pancake in spite of three adults sitting back in their
easy chairs telling him they could do a better job.

A dozen eggs (scrambled) in one sauce pan cooked over flames that
threaten to incinerate the chef. They too were perfect.

posted by Michael at 4:36 pm  


  1. I wish we had those teenagers working for
    us in the Beartooths. Instead of coming out
    the mountains several lbs lighter and
    hungry as goats, we’d have been fat and happy

    Comment by ed — September 10, 2003 @ 11:16 am

  2. Ed,
    Did you ever imagine Grok Hill having such an attraction for successive generations of Miller/Cannings? Okay, that’s one generation, but still…and friends of the second. Believe me, I only ask Matt and his friends if they want to go to Gilsum when I am dead certain I can back it up. I know once that wheel gets rolling, there is no backing down.

    This last time, Diane waffled until finally agreeing to go. I asked why she had left the fence. ìGuilt,î she replied. Matters not what the impetus is, she sleeps better in the woods, under the stars (and Mars) than she does at home.

    The pictures don’t yet show it, but Adam joined us this time. The funnel cloud that is his addition, released him for the weekend.

    Comment by User — September 10, 2003 @ 6:26 pm

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