Not Paint Chips
A better but not complete view of the twenty-four foot high ceiling.
Believe me, Mark, Adam and I appreciated the breakfast we made at
your house yesterday morning. Nevertheless, because we (this includes Jan) know that you are not about to throw away the remaining mix, I am posting this to remind you of what pancakes should look like.
I would like a pancake at Mark’s and a Christmas at Torroemore.
Comment by Wants — September 1, 2003 @ 5:16 pm
Behind the food picture is a story sceaming to be told. Won’t someone please tell it? Or, if you are not one of the ones privy to the real goings on, won’t you plese make up a tale about the stack of cakes with berries and powdered sugar?
Comment by Yogi — September 1, 2003 @ 6:41 pm
Behind the cakes with blueberries is a Sunday morning trip to Bickfords with Florence. How we got to Bickfords, however, began the day before when Adam and I drove out to Hubbardston to return Mark’s mitre saw which he had generously loaned to facilitate work on THE ADDITION.
Fortunately for us, we got to his house in the general vicinity of breakfast. Unfortunately for everyone, dogs included, Mark responded to my request for pancakes by finding a box of mix on an upper cabinet shelf, hidden behind cobwebs and items that he rarely uses. I’m hoping Adam picks up the story from here, because it will take a man with his skill to create a story worth reading.
BUT, it was after that breakfast that I needed desperately to eat the real thing.
Comment by Michael — September 1, 2003 @ 7:37 pm
The time-capsule-worthy concealment of the mix should have been warning enough.
The absence of eggs — either included in some powdered form, or recommended as part of the preparation process — should have further made use of the suspicious powder yet more unlikely.
And the “may contain one or more of the following – vegetable oil, lard, soybean oil” should have shed enough light on the lack of care with which the mixture was concocted in the first place that we would simply slam the door on the cupboard in which it was found and make French (and I don’t mean freedom) toast instead.
When the first batch lay white and stolid upon the griddle, sporting not the golden hues of enticement but the pasty lack of tan of caucasoid beachgoers who bundle up under umbrellas and SPF30, we had yet another opportunity to deem these unworthy of even ersatz syrup. But no……… We made more. And ate them. Wasting even real maple syrup in some fantasy pursuit of palatability.
It is notable that we spared ourselves somewhat by feeding no small proportion to the slavering, gigantic hounds who attend any kitchen doings at Mark & Jan’s (especially meals at table), with the intensity of anti-aircraft radar batteries in time of conflict. But while 2 of 4 wolfed theirs down, one seemed quite diffident about our offering (but ate it), and Augie, the huge German Shepherd purebred, easily one of the more alert, almost cognizant animals I’ve ever met, wouldn’t touch it, no matter how much butter and syrup they had.
Why did we eat what were more akin to improbably symmetrical skipping stones than pancakes? Certainly we’d enough tasty scrambled eggs with cheese and buttered toast, that we didn’t NEED to eat these unleavened discuses. Yankee Puritan aversion to waste? Unspoken dare and double-dare? Would that I knew. But the phenomenon does cast a cynical light on the tales of culinary excellence emanating from our great northwoods outings — hell, if we’d eat these things, then to what sort of discrimination can we lay claim that would give any credence whatsoever to any of our past praise for our own efforts…….
Can’t yet say. I hope it’s not that bad. But the “pancakes” were……….
Comment by complicit — September 1, 2003 @ 10:01 pm
We did it, Yogi. You unwittingly and me with fingers crossed, broke the Deathstar tractor beam pull of Adam’s addition. He has been so consumed, and productively so, that the skimpiest of social contact has been like delivering a second pint, same day, to the local blood bank. Now that he has surfaced may we see another addition (lord we do need catching up) to the image heavy blog?
Comment by Michael — September 2, 2003 @ 6:04 am
Bravo, Adam! Loved the tale of the pale, unleavened skipping stones.
Now a request for The Edtor and Bill L and Idyll Envior and all other devotees of the blog:
How about weaving a parallel yarn, real or imagined!?!
Comment by Yogi — September 2, 2003 @ 9:03 am