The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Tuesday, July 8, 2003

One Blue Egg

I think these are baby wrens. They have a nest in one of our porch hanging plants and Diane and I check up on them when we water. This photo is posted for balance, to balance the boys with guns pics below, to restore the gentle order of this web site. Wondering if Horrified in Wacton and Aghast feel better.

BMW update::

Matt is taking an auto mechanics class at Minuteman High School in Lexington. It’s an everyday, half day class, for the month of July. We forced him into it, as a way to keep him off the street, out of trouble and out of the slammer. His first day he had that, I can’t believe I’m going to summer school, look. After the second day, he said, “ I love auto mechanics.”

I thought, good, but don’t like it too much. Remember what Rick from Trusty Transport said, “Finish college or you’ll end up a truck driver like me.” I don’t think he disliked driving trucks but long haul takes him away from his family. Anyway.

The reason I’m bringing this up is because the smart boy asked his instructor if he could bring his BMW to class and the guy said, “Sure, we’ll work on it together.” How great is that? How great is it that Matthew so loves his car, my car, he tells everyone. It is as though both the car and the boy have been reborn.


posted by michael at 8:21 pm  


  1. For once, I couldn’t think of a pseudonym that worthily engaged the content, so I’m just me. And Mike………. Well, I love that amongst the dire and dour and devious in which he can occasionally wallow, he can also raise up the small and sweet and simple and let himself be seen as fervent optimist. It is a testament to both my own failings but also the complexity of Mike that I don’t entirely trust this latest blog to be just what it is, but just as with my faltering at a pseudonym, so do I falter at devil’s advocacy. Nice pic, glorious emotional sunrise.

    Comment by adam — July 8, 2003 @ 8:35 pm

  2. please tell me we won’t see those bb guns pointed at this nest.

    Comment by chris — July 8, 2003 @ 9:19 pm

  3. Glad to hear that Matt is showing spark for something. Could be the start of the next big thing.

    Comment by Dan — July 9, 2003 @ 7:07 am

  4. I’m with Chris.

    Comment by Aghast, But Hopeful — July 9, 2003 @ 9:17 am

  5. And how, pray tell, will you accomplish the take-MY-car-to-school thing? Another life- and/or incarceration- threatening tow job?

    Comment by Fearful in Fatima — July 9, 2003 @ 9:24 am

  6. Matt’s instructor insists the car be registered and so it will be, before we decide how to transport it to Lexington. The next question will revolve around inspection, of which I doubt it will pass. Maybe Jerry Sullo’s flatbed landscaping truck?

    Chris, I was going to say something about hors d’oeuvres …. .

    Comment by Michael — July 9, 2003 @ 5:26 pm

  7. I’m with Chris and against Michael.

    Comment by aghast, hopeful, and bewildered — July 9, 2003 @ 7:39 pm

  8. 1. Beautiful birds’ nest with babies.

    2. BMW and auto mechanic school – smart move. Saves you lots of time,
    money and work if Matt learns and loves to care for car himself, after the
    TEACHER gets it running! You are SO smarmy, Michael.

    3. BB Guns – Why? Boys and their toys. Will they shoot the baby birds in
    the nest? Huh?

    4. Who might Peter, Eileen and Ed be, pray?

    5. People who watch golf are putzes? Does Mark know this?

    Comment by Jan — July 9, 2003 @ 9:33 pm

  9. I with Aghast, Hopeful, and Bewildered. But, then again, I think I am Aghast, or maybe I’m Aghast, but Hopeful!

    Comment by Aghast — July 10, 2003 @ 9:54 am

  10. Who are these people using each other’s pseudonyms to post comments? It’s feeling very fishy to me!

    Comment by SUSPICIOUS — July 10, 2003 @ 11:28 am

  11. Does anyone happen to know who SUSPICIOUS is? I think I do.

    Comment by Michael — July 10, 2003 @ 3:10 pm

  12. I’m sure I do, but I have been sworn to secrecy.

    Comment by Informed, But Silent — July 10, 2003 @ 7:37 pm

  13. Nice site! Well done !

    Comment by top sex — October 2, 2004 @ 11:31 am

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