The Raddest ‘blog on the ‘net.

Monday, June 30, 2003


In 1968 I showed my father an article in Car and Driver by Brock Yates. It was that review of the BMW 2002 that prompted him to buy this car, which will be picked up today in Evansville, loaded onto a seventy-six foot tractor trailer, and then dropped off here in Acton later this week. The history of the car could best be written by a Ruthenburg, probably Travis. It lived with them for at least fifteen years.
Matthew has dreams of restoring it and some day driving it to school. His father hopes that when it is drivable, Matthew only drives it to antique auto shows, nearby, in the very early morning hours when there is no other traffic on the road. Lap belt, no air bags, hard dash, etc.


posted by Michael at 7:56 am  


  1. It occurs to me to ask, do you have any idea how much driving is likely to be involved to get this thing driveable? He’ll be on a first name basis at all salvage yards within an 80 mile radius…… Looks like a classic, though! You gonna get him broadband at the barn so you can stay in touch?

    Comment by innocent bystander — June 30, 2003 @ 8:43 am

  2. Check this link supplied by Travis:
    Input 1968, model number etc and voila! all the parts anyone with a last name of Gates can afford. Yes, Matthew is taking donations.

    Comment by Michael — June 30, 2003 @ 9:18 am

  3. So, now you see why it wasn’t restored in Evansville. The great thing about all those expensive parts is that they’re BMW factory parts for a car that’s arguably pas its prime.

    The two main features you missed about the car are the custom-installed sears radio (FM only, I believe) and some of the best seats ever.

    Comment by travis — June 30, 2003 @ 10:42 am

  4. son, that was am only

    Comment by Jeffrey Ruthenburg — July 5, 2003 @ 10:21 am

  5. So yesterday I met this fine piece of German iron for the first time, and after admiring its many elegantly exposed mechanisms, burbling engine note, and clean, uncluttered styling, I was treated to some audio magic, as Matt turned on the nicely crackly radio. Which was playing some station I’ve never heard, playing music of a very bygone era……… Could it be this puppy’s still tunes in to 1968?

    Comment by impressed — July 5, 2003 @ 11:00 am

  6. When Matt and I turned the radio on, a voice proclaimed loudly, “I love the bible and the bible loves me.” I knew Dr. Emmett L Brown was nearby.

    Comment by Michael — July 5, 2003 @ 11:28 am

  7. Excellent site. Keep up the good work.

    Comment by sex addiction — October 2, 2004 @ 11:29 am

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