Camping List

1. Most important is to be warm and dry. Bring water proof boots and one other pair of shoes. Hat, gloves(2 pairs), layers of clothing. rain gear! and a warm jacket.

2. Life vest that fits

3. Toilet paper

4. Knife, fork, spoon

5. Money: Meals other food, and motel = $52.00
There is general store in Millinocket that sells everything imaginable.
You may want to bring discretionary funds for that store.

6. Adam and I will provide: tents, cooking utensils (not silverware), washing stuff, condiments.

7. Robby - paper towels - 2 rolls

8. Daryl - hand saw or hatchet or both for cutting fire wood

9. Matt - Paper cups for all and help me pack.

10. We’ll buy water in Millinocket.

11. Sharp pocket or hip knives. Robby, don’t forget your machete.

12. First aid kits. I’ll bring mine. Don’t forget any epipens, or inhalers or anything else you normally might need. We’ll be away from town for three days, and it’s three hours or more back to town.

13. Sleeping bags and pads

14. Music (CD’s)for the trip.

It looks like most of the lakes still have ice so our destination is still undecided and I have:
Two rooms reserved at Hotel Terrace ( they advertise 11, count’em 11 modern
Hotel Terrace 67 Medway Rd 207/723-4525 Millinocket, ME
We’ll arrive after they’re closed, but they’ve promised to leave keys in the doors. One year they forgot and we had to climb in a window. Instead of getting arrested for breaking and sleeping, they discounted our room from $40.00 to $30.00

And two rooms at Chalet Moosehead Motel, Birch St, Greenville Junction, ME 04442, (207-695-2950)


We bring real food. Eggs, bacon, meat marinating in whatever, pasta, there are no limits. The coolers, and the outside temperatures, keep everything cold. Remember: Adam is a vegetarian. That means you can bring meatballs for the spaghetti but don’t add them to his, or bring hamburgers and Boca get the idea.

Matt, Robby and Daryl, one collective dinner

Daryl - Dinner

Robby - Breakfast

Matt- Lunch

Adam - Dinner and Lunch

Mike - Breakfast, Lunch