April 22, 2004

A View From The Top


In typical tourist fashion Mark, me and the boys, as well as my friend Shelley’s family, took the Fenway Park tour today. It’s something I’ve never done and as a fan I must say I recommend it. We had the ancient tour guide who’s been going there since the Year One. Things I learned today:

Ted Williams is in three hall of fames: baseball, aviation and fishing. This explains why he was such a lousy husband (my interpretation, not Steve the ancient tour guides)

The reason Cy Young’s number isn’t retired is because he didn’t have a number. Nobody did prior to the 1930’s.

Tom and Jean Yawkey’s names are in Morse code under the word “American” on the scoreboard.

Yaz was the last person to win the Triple Crown waaaaaaayy back in 1967.

They take you to the press box, the .406 club and over to the new right field roof seats and the monster seats. Unfortunately for us, they put down a new warning track today, so we couldn’t go on the field or in the dugout which frankly I was looking forward to. I wanted to sit right where the boys of summer sit (okay right where Johnny D sits). Anyway, overall a lovely day, as any day at Fenway is. And not expensive either.


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Less Exposed


The night after the thunderstorm, Adam and I set up the boys' tent next to ours, but they chose to leave it there. To further fortify against the elements, Matt backed the truck up and they all tied the blue tarp to the truck and draped it over and staked it to their tent. Thinking, I presume, that unless the truck blows away the tent will stay put. However, Monday night’s winds were far worse than the Sunday’s - the noise couldn’t have been louder had we camped on runway three at O’Hare - and the tarp and the tent’s rainfly both blew off.

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Let's hear it for creativity. Matt was going to beat those elements no matter what. I love it. I would have been IN the truck, by myself, letting everyone else fend for themselves. I admire your adventurous self. I don't have that gene.

Posted by pillowsplease.

Robby was in that truck, in the bed, with the tailgate up and the window closed. And he was the boy who never dropped his machete, except to pick up his bb gun.

Those genes are wearing thin, but Adam, the younger, provides the enthusiasm that keeps me going.

Posted by Michael.

Posted by Michael at April 22, 2004 06:52 AM

Let's hear it for creativity. Matt was going to beat those elements no matter what. I love it. I would have been IN the truck, by myself, letting everyone else fend for themselves. I admire your adventurous self. I don't have that gene.

Posted by: pillowspleaseat April 22, 2004 09:40 AM

Robby was in that truck, in the bed, with the tailgate up and the window closed. And he was the boy who never dropped his machete, except to pick up his bb gun.

Those genes are wearing thin, but Adam, the younger, provides the enthusiasm that keeps me going.

Posted by: Michaelat April 22, 2004 12:08 PM