April 16, 2004

Bon Voyage


Maine map with our destination, Lobster Lake.

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Today did not proceed according to my best laid plans. Diane's front pads on her Mazda, which were ground down to the metal, took twice as long to fix, and then the boiler in the basement sprung a leak. That was easy to fix. I shut the @#$%@ off. Our doors are open now anyway.

Now I’ve those last minute, crucial packing things to do, as the boys arrive from school, and Adam, who just called, should be on his way. The weather looks to be spectacular, and I can’t wait to test the two feet of ice on Lobster Lake.

Must be some contagion going around with these water leaks. We have just had to replace the hot water heater after 20 some years of service. Looking forward to a report on the camping.

Posted by Helen.

Posted by Michael at April 16, 2004 01:52 PM

Must be some contagion going around with these water leaks. We have just had to replace the hot water heater after 20 some years of service. Looking forward to a report on the camping.

Posted by: Helenat April 20, 2004 12:39 PM