Love the Alhambra arch in dematerialized glass effect of the photographer's cupped hands. More stuff there than I'd imagined, apparently pretty cool, too. Some word such as "frumpy" had been used (by Matthew?), as if the art were fairly traditional/conservative. Apparently not so!
Posted by patron.You mean like what is that funky wood burning stove, the earthen vase with the precariously balanced orb on top, the wings folded in Canada goose, the dunce cap in the far right corner or those interpretative pastel canvases? We had never seen an opening like this one, and it sure made stale leftovers of my comment to Frederick Scott about how much more eclectic his gallery is. The sculptures we liked but neither Diane nor I were as attracted to “Contemporary Visions” ( as perhaps to all the more traditional exhibits of the past.
Posted by Poster.Love the Alhambra arch in dematerialized glass effect of the photographer's cupped hands. More stuff there than I'd imagined, apparently pretty cool, too. Some word such as "frumpy" had been used (by Matthew?), as if the art were fairly traditional/conservative. Apparently not so!
Posted by: patronat April 2, 2004 02:44 PMYou mean like what is that funky wood burning stove, the earthen vase with the precariously balanced orb on top, the wings folded in Canada goose, the dunce cap in the far right corner or those interpretative pastel canvases? We had never seen an opening like this one, and it sure made stale leftovers of my comment to Frederick Scott about how much more eclectic his gallery is. The sculptures we liked but neither Diane nor I were as attracted to “Contemporary Visions” ( as perhaps to all the more traditional exhibits of the past.
Posted by: Posterat April 3, 2004 07:27 AM