Matt is not fond of cold weather or rain, and Robby (pictured above bagging groceries at Idylwilde) smiled broadly when I told him our first night in Millinocket ME would be spent in a motel. Visions of turquoise bottomed swimming pools danced in his head. Not small rooms with ceilings the color of cigarette smoke, beds that push back as hard as will the ground under our tents, and an in house restaurant that serves a grand buffet of runny yellow scrambled eggs, burnt bacon, and soggy toast. As for the cold weather and rain...pray for snow.
If I survive, there may be a story. If you don't hear from me after
Fri, ask Patrick to write the story.
Rakkity, I would say "knock yourself out" but I believe you've done that already. Instead I'll just say have fun.
Posted by watchthatwall.Great line watchthatwall.
Posted by Michael.Rakkity, I would say "knock yourself out" but I believe you've done that already. Instead I'll just say have fun.
Posted by: watchthatwallat April 1, 2004 06:48 PMGreat line watchthatwall.
Posted by: Michaelat April 1, 2004 07:20 PM