Well Diane, no one can say you don't get the most out of your purchases! One has heard of a matching dress and shoes, or a matching dress and purse, but I have never seen a matching dress and curtains. The question is which came first the curtains or the dress. Or was the material bought for this dual purpose? Whatever the case, you look lovely in your star photo.
Posted by starsinmyeyes.A brilliant notion! Chameleonic! If parties ever get too intense, or unwanted people knock at the door, you can just stand by the curtains and disappear!
Posted by wallflower.Honest to god, this really should be your Christmas card photo!
Posted by Planning.Ohmygawd. What was I thinking?
Posted by secondthoughts.Can someone fix me up with that cutie?
Posted by stuckinthepast.Well Diane, no one can say you don't get the most out of your purchases! One has heard of a matching dress and shoes, or a matching dress and purse, but I have never seen a matching dress and curtains. The question is which came first the curtains or the dress. Or was the material bought for this dual purpose? Whatever the case, you look lovely in your star photo.
Posted by: starsinmyeyesat March 29, 2004 07:28 AMA brilliant notion! Chameleonic! If parties ever get too intense, or unwanted people knock at the door, you can just stand by the curtains and disappear!
Posted by: wallflowerat March 29, 2004 09:18 AMHonest to god, this really should be your Christmas card photo!
Posted by: Planningat March 29, 2004 09:28 AMOhmygawd. What was I thinking?
Posted by: secondthoughtsat March 31, 2004 08:55 AMCan someone fix me up with that cutie?
Posted by: stuckinthepastat April 1, 2004 11:22 AM