March 06, 2004

Edgelina Lanuza

Matt and Hillary (from now on Hil), have been writing to Edgelina Lanuza at Escuela Horizonte and this is her first reply:

Hello Hilary and Matt!

That good that write to the school, you can attend the school in the time that you want it, alone they have to tell us the exact date that you want to take their classes of Spanish. You can also make work volunteer, alone they have to tell us that work volunteer's type wants to make, we work with different organisms that you can make its voluntary work. We send them the inscription format so that they reserve their share, filling the format will be included in the program of classes and activities. Until soon.

Egdelina Lanuza


Tom Pendergast playing last night at Willow Books. Jaw droppingly fine Jazz guitar considering the venue, a bookstore, the audience, six people, including this father with his appreciative son.

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From the thumbnail, I thought it might've been Brian, and maybe a younger Matt.

Stunningly beautiful guitar! And a nice rapport goin' there' -- lotta smiling faces! Food for the soul while browsing for food for the mind -- cool, man.

Posted by off bass.

I would have loved your input. Before we left, I talked to Tom for a moment and told him how impressed we were. He has no CD, but plays at Johnny D’s in Somerville. In typical almost linear fashion, I went home, Googled D’s, didn’t find his name, but did discover that they feature a jazz brunch on Sundays. Think we can get the gang to go?

Posted by Tom Sawyer.

Maybe the invention of online translators was not such a good thing... Sounds like Matt and Hil's Spanish learning is going to have to start sooner than they think -- the correspondance about how to get to Escuela Horizonte may have to be conducted in Spanish.

Posted by Spanish Speaker.

Posted by Michael at March 6, 2004 11:11 AM

From the thumbnail, I thought it might've been Brian, and maybe a younger Matt.

Stunningly beautiful guitar! And a nice rapport goin' there' -- lotta smiling faces! Food for the soul while browsing for food for the mind -- cool, man.

Posted by: off bassat March 6, 2004 11:19 AM

I would have loved your input. Before we left, I talked to Tom for a moment and told him how impressed we were. He has no CD, but plays at Johnny D’s in Somerville. In typical almost linear fashion, I went home, Googled D’s, didn’t find his name, but did discover that they feature a jazz brunch on Sundays. Think we can get the gang to go?

Posted by: Tom Sawyerat March 6, 2004 12:05 PM

Maybe the invention of online translators was not such a good thing... Sounds like Matt and Hil's Spanish learning is going to have to start sooner than they think -- the correspondance about how to get to Escuela Horizonte may have to be conducted in Spanish.

Posted by: Spanish Speakerat March 7, 2004 01:00 PM