March 03, 2004

No Theme

Leroy, Helen, Brian and Helen Virginia

Bill Lewis and Pablo Guevara

Ed's Cabin, Grok Hill, NH

Brian in Evansville

Florence Fallon and Frank Canning

NO THEME looks like one of those IQ test questions--which one of the above doesn't fit the sequence?

Posted by rakkity.

Or an equally twisted version (for which an answer might not even exist) -- what do the following images have in common?

Posted by smackitty.

Posted by Michael at March 3, 2004 07:04 AM

NO THEME looks like one of those IQ test questions--which one of the above doesn't fit the sequence?

Posted by: rakkityat March 3, 2004 11:55 AM

Or an equally twisted version (for which an answer might not even exist) -- what do the following images have in common?

Posted by: smackittyat March 3, 2004 02:06 PM