February 03, 2004


I like photographs, and I enjoy these strolls down memory lane, but a long time ago Travis sat me down in my swivel chair at Channel1, and said, "Boy, the net is about content, not blink tags, animated gifs, pretty pics or even naked women. It's content."

By content he meant the typed word. And by golly, I now agree with him. Anybody got any?


This boy and his bear are about to be torn away from his furry friend and his beloved aunt-- and he knows it.

View blonder image

That doesn't sound like something the Travis I know would say. The message sounds right on. I'd substitute 'should be' for 'is' and only start out with 'Boy' if I was laying the SoIN accent rather thick.

Posted by Ms. Quote.


Posted by Typer.

As much as I like a good story, I have to say that a story with good pictures is even better than one without. So what is this business about "content" not including pictures? I think Tim Berner's Lee, the inventer of the web, would say that content is more general than just text. Based what Berners-Lee said in his book, the web he "invented" was to provide easy give and take in all possible forms. This blog is doing it--but we need more stories to go with the pictures!

Posted by rakkity.

Defenestrate? Out the window? As in toss it out?

rakkity, if all goes well this Sunday, I should have images to go with the story of our mountain climb. Temps in the single digits and snow are predicted...hoo haa!

Posted by Tom Sawyer.

You said, " By content he meant the typed word. And by golly, I now agree with him. Anybody got any?"

I simply gave you a typed word -- one of my favorites, actually. And why is it a favorite? Because it sounds like it could mean something other than it does.

Posted by Typer.

Posted by Michael at February 3, 2004 08:21 PM

That doesn't sound like something the Travis I know would say. The message sounds right on. I'd substitute 'should be' for 'is' and only start out with 'Boy' if I was laying the SoIN accent rather thick.

Posted by: Ms. Quoteat February 4, 2004 11:43 AM


Posted by: Typerat February 4, 2004 12:34 PM

As much as I like a good story, I have to say that a story with good pictures is even better than one without. So what is this business about "content" not including pictures? I think Tim Berner's Lee, the inventer of the web, would say that content is more general than just text. Based what Berners-Lee said in his book, the web he "invented" was to provide easy give and take in all possible forms. This blog is doing it--but we need more stories to go with the pictures!

Posted by: rakkityat February 4, 2004 04:03 PM

Defenestrate? Out the window? As in toss it out?

rakkity, if all goes well this Sunday, I should have images to go with the story of our mountain climb. Temps in the single digits and snow are predicted...hoo haa!

Posted by: Tom Sawyerat February 4, 2004 09:15 PM

You said, " By content he meant the typed word. And by golly, I now agree with him. Anybody got any?"

I simply gave you a typed word -- one of my favorites, actually. And why is it a favorite? Because it sounds like it could mean something other than it does.

Posted by: Typerat February 5, 2004 09:23 AM