January 15, 2004

Substance of Light


By now those who have the interest, time and fortitude have made it through (at least some) of the previous post. Having let your rich imaginations dwell with this for awhile, the following images (click here) are now available, against which to check your internal vision -- snapshots from a quick trip into the church this afternoon to manage some control system issues. Do read the quote in the above image first.............

Well done. The story then the image. I nailed the cross, but not the suspended figure. Much more life-like than what I imagined, in spite of your description. Or maybe I zeroed in on “diaphanous bronze,” and thought wire frame.

I can also better identify with your angst; this is impressive and it damn well better be lit to perfection!

Did you levitate to take “detail”?

Posted by michael.

It is a long read, oh Kibbe, dear Kibbe, but worth it. The pictures are truly the story. Why not post one of the others as the entry...?

Posted by watchingfromhome.

Striding through the saloon doors, hitching up his pants to just below the breast bone, then laying one in the bronze spitoon, “Y’all handle this pardner, or you need help?”

Posted by wordlover.

The pics are the reward for making it through your tale--which at first had me thinking would be about familial encounters in ABQ...no wait, about a lighting project gone awry...or is about a religious experience?

Thank the holy spirit for paragraphs, or I'd never have finished it.

Your tiny pics redouble my vote that we take a field trip down to that Park St. church -- and get some close-ups of that illuminated/illuminating piece of suspended, super human art!

Posted by Dan.

Posted by Michael at January 15, 2004 09:04 PM

Well done. The story then the image. I nailed the cross, but not the suspended figure. Much more life-like than what I imagined, in spite of your description. Or maybe I zeroed in on “diaphanous bronze,” and thought wire frame.

I can also better identify with your angst; this is impressive and it damn well better be lit to perfection!

Did you levitate to take “detail”?

Posted by: michaelat January 15, 2004 09:19 PM

It is a long read, oh Kibbe, dear Kibbe, but worth it. The pictures are truly the story. Why not post one of the others as the entry...?

Posted by: watchingfromhomeat January 16, 2004 07:33 AM

Striding through the saloon doors, hitching up his pants to just below the breast bone, then laying one in the bronze spitoon, “Y’all handle this pardner, or you need help?”

Posted by: wordloverat January 16, 2004 07:50 AM

The pics are the reward for making it through your tale--which at first had me thinking would be about familial encounters in ABQ...no wait, about a lighting project gone awry...or is about a religious experience?

Thank the holy spirit for paragraphs, or I'd never have finished it.

Your tiny pics redouble my vote that we take a field trip down to that Park St. church -- and get some close-ups of that illuminated/illuminating piece of suspended, super human art!

Posted by: Danat January 17, 2004 06:59 PM