December 17, 2003

Dangerous Alives

Lake Sylvia, MN. 1990.

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Below are search engine keywords that brought folks to this site. You type into Google kissing sisters, for instance, and you’ll see mainecourse is the first hit. You’ll also notice the category, Mature Content.

Unfortunately for me, Dr. Pinansky, the full name of my dentist, left in a comment by Diane, takes you right to my site. You have to click through three pages in Yahoo, after you type in sadistic dentist to get to Jan’s comment about the same story. Given the number of hits for Dr Pinansky, I’m not looking forward to my next visit.

Then there’s Derek Tinkham. He and his friend, Jeremy Haas climbed Mt Washington in 1994, the winter after the mainecourse guys went on their snowy Allasgash lake trip. Derek died of exposure and I wove his real life tragedy into our amusing camping drama. Now if you type in Derek’s name you get taken to my story. Which is kinda embarrassing. I mean, Jeremy now gets to read about my summary of the Globe’s account. But, it’s pure flattery compared to this hit: Hassed

Of all these search terms, my favorites are dangerous alives, and testicles that don’t stay down.


"blog" + "travis s"
kissing sisters
jeremy haas
derek tinkham
"my death" carver, raymond
picture maggots
dalwhinnie 15 year old comment
mock orange
laying out a tile pattern random
remote starter evansville
"above all, i shall be able to continue my search"
dr. pinansky

AOL NetFind

dental fillings without novacaine
dear miss manners
sisters kissing sisters
flamenco dance outfits
resume for dan downing of indiana


kissing sisters
dessert eagle hand gun pics
the sound of sirens comedy song
dangerous alives
wall tile layout pattern
hopscotch tile patterns
allagash snow
raymond carver and my death
when love throws you a curve ball
sadistic dentists


lobster lake
military haircut pics
allagash pictures
testicles that don't stay down
lobster lake me.
anne sexton "words" be careful of words even the miraculous ones

Michael - It would appear that you have far too much free time on your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flamenco dance outfits?????????????????/

Most importantly, who is the dog with Matt? -Jan

My sympathy to the Tinkham family.

Posted by jan queijo.

Flamenco takes you here because of Dan's October contribution, Noche Flamenca.:

Posted by mike.

I guess Hassed could almost refer to some of our situations, but "an experienced hiker" rules us out, unless you include "experienced" but prone to repeating the same mistakes.

Posted by Q.

Amazingly, I almost understand the deliberate composition of most of the search terms, however strange at first glance. Except, perhaps, the prurient "sisters kissing sisters" -- A bit off-base, even for the common lesbian guy thing.

But the other most directly(though "scientifically") sexual phrase intrigued me, and while I found no result I would imagine as the goal of such a search, Google did find an amusingly well-written instruction manual, ostensibly for youth (though verbally way into "R-rated", so be warned before you follow the link):

Posted by lacking restraint.

Michael - You definitely have too much free time on your hands.

Posted by beth.

Check the post time on that last entry. What can I say, it's an addiction and your husband is partly responsible,

Posted by Michael.

I have a short attention span.
But scanning through I loved - "Most importantly, who is the dog with Matt? -Jan".

Posted by joan.

Mike's not the first to do this. During the days of yore of, I did a similar search...I don't think my website is currently set up for statistics anymore, but I've still got the old lists. Among my Favorites:

1. blowup dolls

2. orgy hair styles (what?)

3. telemarketer Christ (yes, He can be yours for the low price of $19.95!)

4. Carnivorous rabbit

5. cut off dick

6. full page pictures of drugs,alcohol, and cigarettes that could be printed out from the computer (this is called overloading a search engine...)

7. battery powered vaginas (something we all need to know about...)

8. dungeons and dragons and the superbowl (what do these two things have to do with each other?

9. venerial disease pictures (uhm...ick?)

10. masturbation safe before having kids (no actually, masturbation causes those pictures of venerial diseases above if you do it before you have kids)

People are weird.

Posted by Rantmaster.

Posted by Michael at December 17, 2003 01:38 AM

Michael - It would appear that you have far too much free time on your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flamenco dance outfits?????????????????/

Most importantly, who is the dog with Matt? -Jan

My sympathy to the Tinkham family.

Posted by: jan queijoat December 17, 2003 04:59 AM

Flamenco takes you here because of Dan's October contribution, Noche Flamenca.:

Posted by: mikeat December 17, 2003 06:17 AM

I guess Hassed could almost refer to some of our situations, but "an experienced hiker" rules us out, unless you include "experienced" but prone to repeating the same mistakes.

Posted by: Qat December 17, 2003 06:58 AM

Amazingly, I almost understand the deliberate composition of most of the search terms, however strange at first glance. Except, perhaps, the prurient "sisters kissing sisters" -- A bit off-base, even for the common lesbian guy thing.

But the other most directly(though "scientifically") sexual phrase intrigued me, and while I found no result I would imagine as the goal of such a search, Google did find an amusingly well-written instruction manual, ostensibly for youth (though verbally way into "R-rated", so be warned before you follow the link):

Posted by: lacking restraintat December 17, 2003 10:29 AM

Michael - You definitely have too much free time on your hands.

Posted by: bethat December 17, 2003 01:04 PM

Check the post time on that last entry. What can I say, it's an addiction and your husband is partly responsible,

Posted by: Michaelat December 17, 2003 04:42 PM

I have a short attention span.
But scanning through I loved - "Most importantly, who is the dog with Matt? -Jan".

Posted by: joanat December 17, 2003 07:15 PM

Mike's not the first to do this. During the days of yore of, I did a similar search...I don't think my website is currently set up for statistics anymore, but I've still got the old lists. Among my Favorites:

1. blowup dolls

2. orgy hair styles (what?)

3. telemarketer Christ (yes, He can be yours for the low price of $19.95!)

4. Carnivorous rabbit

5. cut off dick

6. full page pictures of drugs,alcohol, and cigarettes that could be printed out from the computer (this is called overloading a search engine...)

7. battery powered vaginas (something we all need to know about...)

8. dungeons and dragons and the superbowl (what do these two things have to do with each other?

9. venerial disease pictures (uhm...ick?)

10. masturbation safe before having kids (no actually, masturbation causes those pictures of venerial diseases above if you do it before you have kids)

People are weird.

Posted by: Rantmasterat December 17, 2003 07:19 PM