September 12, 2003

Adam's Art


Susan wouldn't need the title to know that this is Adam's

Very well composed, but poor DOF. The empty center, well...... lets the eye roam, but lacks a strong focus. Good light and color, but mostly, off to get me some -- breakfast time! Yum!

Posted by opinionated.

I think that, in this case, Susan would probably not have identified the photo as Adam's, just as not Mike's.

For a few weeks, the blog regaled us with tales -- misguided and othewise -- of the BMW. Then nothing, nada, zilch. What's that about?

Posted by Henry.

We had breakfast with Flo sans Patti to celebrate Patti's birthday at Bickford's and agreed that Matt and Daryl's eggs are far superior. Therefore, we decided that Matt will cook for the family on Wednesday nights. I'm sure he'd appreciate suggestions; he plans to grill.

Posted by hungryman.

Posted by Michael at September 12, 2003 06:23 AM

Very well composed, but poor DOF. The empty center, well...... lets the eye roam, but lacks a strong focus. Good light and color, but mostly, off to get me some -- breakfast time! Yum!

Posted by: opinionatedat September 12, 2003 08:20 AM

I think that, in this case, Susan would probably not have identified the photo as Adam's, just as not Mike's.

For a few weeks, the blog regaled us with tales -- misguided and othewise -- of the BMW. Then nothing, nada, zilch. What's that about?

Posted by: Henryat September 12, 2003 07:45 PM

We had breakfast with Flo sans Patti to celebrate Patti's birthday at Bickford's and agreed that Matt and Daryl's eggs are far superior. Therefore, we decided that Matt will cook for the family on Wednesday nights. I'm sure he'd appreciate suggestions; he plans to grill.

Posted by: hungrymanat September 14, 2003 07:44 PM