July 30, 2003

Knackered Radiator


Hung returned Tuesday to tile most of the kitchen. I say most because the pattern is more complex. The grout lines have to match those in the sunroom, and given the shape of the kitchen there are far more cuts to make. He'll finish the tile today but will he have time to grout?

One more story about Hung. Diane warned me that I might appear to be beating that dead horse, but so be it.
Last Christmas Susan gave me a remote starter for my truck. I used it all winter, not just to warm my truck, but to show off and to startle those who beat me to the front seat. I use it somewhat less in the hot weather, but not much. I would probably trade-in my truck given the abysmal gas mileage, but I can’t, because of my treasured remote starter.

For some reason, Hung has been almost obsessed with my truck. He bought a Toyota, new, in 1999, a year before the crew cab concept with front facing rear seats was introduced and his regrets are obvious. Everyday, we talk about my seats, how the truck looks more like an SUV, the width, the length, the tread on the tires, whatever comes to his fertile mind.
As we were standing in the kitchen and probably after one more question about my Nissan, I said to Hung, “I can start my truck from here.” I thought this would impress him more than the rear seats.
He said, “ I can too.”
Certain he has misunderstood me, I said, ‘No, you can’t. See, if I had my keys. I could press two buttons and my truck would start.”
“Mi kal, I can do that.”
This was after our Baptist conversation and you would have thought I had learned my lesson. Yes, you would have thought.
“Hung, this is not like a car alarm, this is a REMOTE STARTER.” I raised my voice so he could better understand me.
After that conversation, he never missed an opportunity to start his truck from afar. Call it dueling remote starters.


The consensus seems to be that the cause of an overheating BMW is due to a blown head gasket, retarded ignition timing, or a faulty cooling system ( possibly a knackered radiator-UK site).
Travis & Matthew::
Found this site: One hundred and one tech tips for the 2002.
The opening paragraph
begins: "Anyone who has owned a 2002 for more than a few weeks has been introduced to the car's inscrutable nature."

12. A 320i radiator is as good or better than the 2002 part it is lighter, and
the whole conversion costs $50.00 less than the 2002 radiator alone.
13. If your 2002 runs hot, and the radiator is more than 2 years old, replace it.
But there is so much more:
6. Too tight belts destroy water pumps; tighten only enough to run the alternator.
23. BMW O.E. exhaust systems are the longest lasting and most quiet you will find.
32. Tailpipe smoke on deceleration usually means valve seal problems.
34. Drain your speedometer cable; it collects water.
37. 2002s run fine on unleaded fuel.
50. There is a lot of room for stereo gear under the back seat.
55. Remove bumpers and clean behind them annually.
83. Black spark plug wire can replace discolored chrome windowtrim.
98. Not driving a 2002 is the worst thing you can do to it.


Old steps gone, new mahagony and primed pine ones in place.
Bill, as usual, doing most of the clean-up.


Railing, a bit of trim and then we're off to Lexington...I mean, Newton.

I really look forward to these. Keep up the good stories. HO

Posted by Helen.

Helen's encouragement is maternal and sweet, and I second it. But how can people stay away in droves from something whose title is so appealingly idiomatic? "Knackered"....... C'mon! Beats our American analog, though they're kissin' cousins.

The 2002, I must say, is starting to sound more like a lifestyle than simple conveyance........ I do look forward to seeing the results of its more cosmetic touchups and hearing the rehabilitated exhaust burble.

Posted by wacked.

Posted by Michael at July 30, 2003 05:40 AM

I really look forward to these. Keep up the good stories. HO

Posted by: Helenat July 30, 2003 09:34 AM

Helen's encouragement is maternal and sweet, and I second it. But how can people stay away in droves from something whose title is so appealingly idiomatic? "Knackered"....... C'mon! Beats our American analog, though they're kissin' cousins.

The 2002, I must say, is starting to sound more like a lifestyle than simple conveyance........ I do look forward to seeing the results of its more cosmetic touchups and hearing the rehabilitated exhaust burble.

Posted by: wackedat July 31, 2003 03:36 PM