July 29, 2003

Wi Fi

Outdoor Office

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Dan's outdoor wireless office. The nearby waiting room

Looks like he just sent the "secretary" to fetch him another margarita from the pitcher in the "waiting room".........

Posted by jealous.

What, no bugs? I am envious beyond description!

Posted by Deet Addicted.

I feel quite hapless looking at this site in a text-based web browser, think about the blind, Mike.

Anyway, to continue from yesterday... It seems a rather roundabout route to first repair everything that's gone awry with the BMW because it sat in various garages for 25+ years rather than first addressing the problem that put it in those garages.

Now if Matt's interested in a different small sporty car that needs some work, I left a Honda CRX about exactly halfway between here (MN) and there (MA) about a year ago. It might still be there, I can mail Matt a key.

Posted by travis.

hey sweetie, I don't recognize the tile...is this the front porch?? Nice going! But you don't fool me... this nice weather happens only twice a year in Boston!

Remo has a new purpose in life!! Good training!

Posted by Lil.

Posted by Michael at July 29, 2003 05:59 AM

Looks like he just sent the "secretary" to fetch him another margarita from the pitcher in the "waiting room".........

Posted by: jealousat July 29, 2003 08:25 AM

What, no bugs? I am envious beyond description!

Posted by: Deet Addictedat July 29, 2003 09:36 AM

I feel quite hapless looking at this site in a text-based web browser, think about the blind, Mike.

Anyway, to continue from yesterday... It seems a rather roundabout route to first repair everything that's gone awry with the BMW because it sat in various garages for 25+ years rather than first addressing the problem that put it in those garages.

Now if Matt's interested in a different small sporty car that needs some work, I left a Honda CRX about exactly halfway between here (MN) and there (MA) about a year ago. It might still be there, I can mail Matt a key.

Posted by: travisat July 29, 2003 09:53 AM

hey sweetie, I don't recognize the tile...is this the front porch?? Nice going! But you don't fool me... this nice weather happens only twice a year in Boston!

Remo has a new purpose in life!! Good training!

Posted by: Lilat August 1, 2003 04:39 PM